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Poetic Mischief, Oh My!!!

Poems and Poem-Like Writings


Find the River - Guesthouse 

Inheritance - Tinderbox Poetry

Vergil, Alone - Cartridge Lit

Dancing with Myself - [PANK]

Take the 4 Train (Solitary Freestyle) - Cagibi

Two Poems - Duende

Widower - The Ekphrastic Review

Multiverse of Madness (in Technicolor) - Frontier

ex-wife's kid - Sporklet

I Have the Touch - Breadcrumb #484

Creative Nonfiction

Garden Interludes I - IV - Eastern Iowa Review

Garden Interlude V - Memoir Mixtapes

You Can't Name This, You Can't Let It Go - the Southampton Review


Photo on 9-18-20 at 1.01 PM.jpeg
Poetic Mischief: Work
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